Wednesday 3 November 2010

Design Direction 01 - Development

Initial ideas for the 1st design route printed out to compare the readability and overall design outcome in A3. Currently there isn't really a favourite, I've tested a range of different layout possibilities, colour variations etc, all experimenting with the vectored LEGO brick direction. From printing this out, I have noticed several issues that I will have to attend to when revising this, one of them would be the readability of the text when overlayed onto the LEGO bricks, on screen it seemed quite obvious but when printed out onto A3 it seemed to condensed and way too complicated, adjustments will need to be made regarding this but I think part of it is also due to the scale that it's been printed. The intitial plan was to get them printed atleast A2 -A1, which should make alot of difference to the printed outcome. This also takes me to the type, I do like the layout on some of these but again, readability is an issue when overlayed onto the image.

Although this is at it's very early stages, I do see scope for this design direction and will take this to the tutorial tomorrow and see what Joe and other people in the studio think of it. In the meantime, I'll need to develop my 2nd design route of utilising photographs of actual LEGO as the design direction.

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