Friday 12 November 2010

Exhibition booklet mockup 01

First mock up of the exhibition poster printed out on standard 80gsm stock in black & white. The size of the booklet is 120mm x 190mm with 6 pages stapled together to form the bind. I think the size and the feel of the booklet works rather well as an exhibition booklet, it's big enough to feel 'weighty' while providing a blank canvas to display the featured work while also being an appealingly pocket - able format.

The main purpose of this print out was to develop my initial ideas for it, and to get a clear visual direction of it so far for myself and the crit. So far, I really like the format of the designs, even in black & white, they look quite suitable for the target audience and as an exhibition booklet for MAKE Exhibition.

I developed and printed two variations of the booklet so far, one with the copy laid out within the spreads, and one just utilising the spreads as a space to display the work, while an insert is bound into it that carries the copy instead. This was a direction I wanted to take but wasn't sure whether it worked or was viable so managed to get this produced aswell to see which worked better. 

The front cover of the booklet was constructed out of vector drawn LEGO bricks that form the word MAKE, accompanied by a few details of the booklet. I wanted the cover to represent the exhibition aswell as the breadth of creative material on show. I wasn't sure whether to use photos of the work instead, but decided on creating the name out of LEGO bricks instead as it feels a bit more refined, while also keeping the content inside a bit more a surprise for the visitors. 

Each spread would be dedicated to a single individual/creative, keeping the layout quite simple throughout and allowing the images to engage with the reader. 

The second development incorporates the insert feature, all the copy will be printed onto the insert which gets bound into the book. This gives offers more freedom for the images and makes it a bit more interesting to read. I do like this feature, but still unsure about how I could really make it work. At the moment, it just seems to be an insert for the sake of being an insert, I need to play around with the layout, and the relationship between the content in the spreads and the inserts. 

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