Friday 12 February 2010


Tv idents that  promote a season of films that feature Stephen Chow.

Design five 10 second idents that function individually and as a set that promotes the chosen genre of films. Chow is a well known actor in Hong Kong but in contrast is practically unknown in the UK, my concept is to promote a season of his films that would introduce a different approach to comedy towards a UK based audience.

The set of films I have chosen are quite unknown to the British audience, therefore I couldn't really use the imagery from the films to remind or relat to them. With only 10 seconds to draw their interest I had to design something that was both engaging and informative while still reflecting the tone and style of the films. With this in mind my aim was to promote the films to people who wouldn't really know what to expect, I decided to use the idea of subtitles as a way of engaging with the audience, as it would be based on a section of the dialogue from each film. The viewers would essentially get a glimpse of the type of film through a means of the subtitles without actually being shown actual footage. Each ident would be based on the use of subtitles for the 1st few seconds before it gets interrupted by the title sequence.

Movie lovers who enjoy trying something new, people who are into international cinema and comedy. Idents are aimed at being broadcasted on Film4

Tone of voice://
Lighthearted, vibrant rather random - following the tone of Chow's films.

Five 10 second idents that utilise the concept of subtitles taken from the actual films to engage, inform and provide viewers with an idea of the season of films.

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