Monday 8 February 2010

DVD development 02://

Experimenting with different transition ideas for the DVD interface. I've tried to utilise the combination of vector shapes and simple motion to create an interesting sense of movement, that would be incorporated into the dvd interface throughout. I wanted the dvd to reflect certain elements of the work within it, therefore the black & white have been used as the main colours.

DVD development - circles from Tim Wan on Vimeo.

Small problem during development! Not entirely sure why, but this issue happened twice during the process of putting my DVD together. As DVD Studio Pro works similar to Indesign, in a way that it doesn't host the files within itself, but instead links to external files, losing linked files due to moving, folders etc can be extremely problematic. This happened to me, as I was backing up my work onto an external hard drive. Luckily for me, this issue was resolved simply by restarting the application and running it from user work.

DVD development - lines from Tim Wan on Vimeo.

Working on DVD Studio Pro://
Constructing the dvd with DVD Studio Pro for the first time. Spent about 2 days getting to grips with the software and putting it all together. The software itself didn't seem to complicated, but it was the file management that was difficult. I also wanted to keep the research, development slide shows concise, reflecting a common theme with the use of simple shapes and motion. Therefore, everything had to be pre-prepared, ordered and organised into folders ready to be imported. 

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