Tuesday 2 February 2010

God of Cookery Development://

Development from storyboards. The ident starts off with the standard subtitle format that I have decided to use throughout all the designs. Because the film God of Cookery is basically about cooking with a comedy - exaggerated twist, I decided to incorporate this into the design. The idea of this is to 'cut up' the subtitles so they would fall to pieces and eventually end up as a bowl of noodles. I followed the storyboards accordingly and the results wern't too bad. 

God of Cookery from Tim Wan on Vimeo.
The first one was to simply test out the timing, and the range of technical areas that I needed to address. I wanted to get an idea of how it would be constructed and how long it would take before I committed to a particular visual style. From this example, there are plenty of errors, one major issue is the timing of everything. Initial problems with this so far is the timing, it's wasting too much time falling down for no reason and have therefore left no time for the program details at the end.

God of Cookery 02 from Tim Wan on Vimeo.
With the 2nd one, I paid more attention to detail, particularly with the blade flying through leaving subtle cut marks on the type. I've also tested out different typefaces/ layouts for the final title sequence and incorporated this into the development.

God of Cookery 03 from Tim Wan on Vimeo.
Timing has been improved a lot more, the general idea of this is beginning to come together and I am now at the stage where I can adjust minor things and start consider smaller details that might enhance the final resolution. Currently, I haven't really considered the audio for this ident, It seems to work well with no dialogue behind it, but sound effects might be something to look into.

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