Tuesday 12 January 2010

TV Idents presentation://

Concept proposal for the brief on TV idents://


  1. good idea, to base you project on a director you enjoy and who is not really known here in the the UK. So you have a clear direction to inform and educate people to appreciate world cinema (in this case Chinese).
    your presentation seems very detailed in writing. However i've read through you presentation and i am still not clear on what Stephen Chows movies are like. I know it's comedy but is it dark comedy or slapstick... etc
    you really need some visuals (stills, clips, photographs) of his work for reference. This will help provide a clearer tone of voice.
    You just need to get some more stuff up on your context blog, good start x

  2. Hello Timmy!

    First of all I love the idea of using Stephen Chow for you movie season. You've done some great research into Chow as both an actor and a director, it's very informative and easy to follow. However, for people who have not seen the films, it's very hard trying to figure out what his movies are like. We both know they are comedy, but what kind of comedy?

    I feel that you need to narrow down you audience, at the moment it feel's too broad. But you'll probably sort this out, and you said in your presentation about trying to pull in people who may have never seen this films before. Broadening their own horizons and all that.

    I think you need to do a bit more research on kinetic type. Especially type that relates to your subject of world cinema comedies. Other than finding a design direction I think this is a very solid idea and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished idents.

    Pip Pip. X
