Number 04://
Tuesday, 15 December 2009
Final resolutions://
Number 04://
Friday, 11 December 2009
Another test://
Saturday, 5 December 2009
Stop motion test
This was simply to test a stop motion with a moving camera at the same time. Something that we've been looking to explore as part of our ideas://
Tidying up stop motion from Tim Wan on Vimeo.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
After Effects introduction 01://
Tuesday, 24 November 2009
Although I did look into various different production media, processes and technologies, I didn't want to force them onto my design. I tried out different production methods but due to the nature of my concept and design, I kept with a few methods like embossing and laser cutting which was more appropriate to my ideas. I found that as a whole I have learnt the most in this module, I feel that I've been open up to a new depth of design for production that I had barely considered before. Although I didn't practice / experiment that much on the different print processes, I do feel a lot more informed, and I strongly believe that this knowledge will stay with me and will have a strong influence to my work in the future.
This module had me thinking about every single detail of my design. Before I was mainly focused on the visual elements of my work, the use of stock, pricing considerations and print processes were often an afterthought. The module has taught me how the print production process can have such a massive impact on my work, and due to that I feel that the quality of my development and general work throughout the whole project seems a lot more considered than before. My in particular is quite minimal but the quality I feel is quite accurate to how I wanted it due to the print processes used.
Again, I feel that this is one of my strongest module so far. Might be to do with the idea of being a 2nd year, but I seem a lot more focused for once and my time in college seems to be more productive as a whole. As a result to this, my work seems a lot more organised which reflects my developmental progress throughout the module, I have constantly documented and ordered my work for the first time, and have kept records of my design progress and action plans which has effectively helped shape my development of the brief.
I feel that my final product reflects the vast amount of research and development that I have worked on throughout. The quality of my catalogue and my packaging seems to demonstrate my designs quite accurately. The only issue was that I could have spent more time exploring different materials and formats for the packaging itself. As the product's content is dependent on the research I've gathered, I ended up spending too much time on the product rather than the packaging. As whole I am rather pleased with the final product, but there are obviously areas that I could have improved and paid more attention to.
Things that I could improve on
1 / Time management - I was quite organised with the 'What is good' brief, keeping weekly action plans and constantly blogging my progress, however I did admittedly spent more time on what brief over the 16 page booklet. For future modules, I should also keep action plans on the different briefs and split the time between different briefs.
2 / Could have practically experimented with more print processes.
3 / Invest in some better stock maybe. Although I'm quite pleased with what I used for my final, I do regret not having looked into other options.
4 / Made more mock ups and practically tested my ideas - move away from design sheets more often.
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Monday, 16 November 2009

Sunday, 15 November 2009
Ninja Photos all done!
Currently, I have tested, finalised and at the final stages of the contents and the book itself. All that is required is to get the whole thing printed and binded before I can resolve the packaging itself.
Below are the photos anyway, there are unfortunately only 39 out of the intended 45 of the class. There will be profiles of 40 people however, so I am missing 5 people due to the lack of time to gather the infomation.
Anyway, for the photos I have kept the same framing and composition just to have a consistent look throughout the catalogue. I idea was to allow each person to express what their ideas of a ninja was, with the only requirement of covering part of their identity. They turned out rather well infact, the lighting worked well and I have decided to make them into b&w images as it makes the photos seem more serious in a way. Also, the plan was the back the book completely out of black & white therefore the photos had to be monotone.

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Photography test shoot
Each ninja is different, therefore I think it will also be rather interesting to see what each of them will do to hide their identities as a ninja for the photoshoot.

Friday, 6 November 2009
Ninja catalogue mockup://
Aswell as working on the contents of the page, I have been developing a half scale book that would act as the mock-up catalogue. I wanted to test out the thickness of pages required, the dimensions of the book and the binding method. This mockup is roughly A6 with 50 individual sleeves binded together with a japanese binding technique. I also used 2 5mm wooden blocks, cut to the exact size of the paper to sandwich the book and sprayed the edge of the pages and the spine black as I wanted the whole book to be black and anonymous when closed. ( Cover will be made of black stock) This has turned out quite successfully, only issue would be the binding really due to the lack of experience, the thread is slightly loose making the whole book a little flimsy. In terms of the size, I think the thickness of the sleeves put together work rather well with the actual dimensions, but this will be tested with how the content will be displayed.
Due to the nature of the spray paint, a small amount of paint has leaked/ soaked through the paper, but this actually adds a nice hand made touch to the book*
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Crit feedback
In response to this, I have now finally pin pointed my final concept statement and going to focus on the visuals and how my ideas will be resolved.
Few things to consider:
- find audience + purpose of product.
- Find visual understanding.
- Look into symbolic images & specify categories.
- Develop further ideas for inside catalogue.
- Specify focus on what's good about ninjas
- Consider ways to promote publication.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Ninjas | 忍者 | Progress so far://
Moving on with the brief, I decided to generate some quick initial thoughts and ideas onto paper as a starting point to work from. From this, I gathered a few worthwhile ideas working around the subject of ninjas. As it is a print module on packaging design, I had to some how put the subject of ninja's into a relevant context, initially this was quite difficult and my work pretty much stalled for a few days as I found it difficult to adapt the ideology of ninja's into something useful and not something that just carries novelty value. I wanted to avoid the obvious, so started looking into the idea of a hidden identity and the possibility of a secret ninja society that still exist today......which unfortunately didn't really get anywhere.
Had a brief chat with Lorenzo just before reading week for some feedback and was told not to be retricted by reality and that it didn't matter if I completely made something up. And more importantly, to have fun with the brief. This turned out to be a turning point with what I was doing so far, as I spent most the time working under tight restrictions that I thought I had to follow, which apparently was not the case for this. So after realizing this, I came up with a few ideas that package something related to ninjas ://
From the brainstorm, I developed some of the strongest ideas and started specifying stock types, ideas on target audience, the message and the print process that I considered etc ://
SO, final 6 concepts to choose from are:
- Book that instructs people how to obtain ninja abilities.
- Packaging a ninja costume.
- Spoof newspaper article on ninja activity.
- Ninja recruitment pack containing branding, identity and ninja booklet.
- Ninja catalogue
- Pack of ninja playing/ collective cards
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Monday, 19 October 2009
What is good? Part 1 / Research & Concept

After many idea bashing sessions on 'What is Good?', I finally narrowed things down to the last 6 most potential concepts;
- Ninjas
- Unwrapping/ unpacking new things
and finally make a commitment on Ninjas. I decided on this because it seemed to be quite an unusual subject to work on as it doesn't have a personal relevance. I think I was rather intrigued by our ideology of ninjas and how this has been influenced from popular culture. The idea of a secretive society seemed like quite a fun part of this concept aswell as there is no reason why they don't exist in our societies today, which put's the subject matter in a current context.
The brief's requirements include having a strong opinion backed up with relevant primary and secondary research that would be presented back to the group in a 2-5 minutes presentation format along with a clear concept statement.
In accordance to the brief, the things I planned to look into include :
- The history of the ninja, where they originate from, where the name ninja derives from and what their objectives were etc.
- What are they? Who can become a ninja? Is the the cultural traditions, lifestyle and the training that makes them a ninja or is it simply the look and equipment they carry that gives them this status?
- What are people's idea of a ninja?
- Where people's ideology's of a ninja come/ influenced from?
- Their morals
- Equipment, clothings etc