Wednesday 1 December 2010

Dimsum iphone app icons

Icons for the iphone app for the home screen; a small detail but something that had to be considered still. I didn't want to design anything completely new as this would just sway from the existing materials. Instead I experimented a bit more with existing elements of the designs that I had already worked on, but applying it into this tiled space. The icon itself is just about 10mmx10mm in size so didnt want anything too complicated, such as having a photo; not only will this look quite disastrous, but also quite different from the current materials as I focused more on type and simple shapes, therefore that was the general direction for this aswell.

Eventually I decided to use the last of the 1st row, it's clean, simple and stands out due to it's black border around the circle which almost resembles a plate. I found some of the other way too complicated especially for such a small scale.

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